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Man loses $ 2 million to cryptocurrency scam on dating app – CVBJ

Although some users insist on denying it, cryptocurrency scams exist and create serious problems among investors. Since cryptocurrencies were created, and now with their exponential growth, these types of illegal activities have increased considerably. Now there are more and more scammers who use methods of different types, and the one that we will talk about today is quite well known, but it has been updated a bit.

According to recently published information, a man has stated that he lost his life savings to a cryptocurrency scam. Steve Belcher is the victim of this scam and claims that he met a woman on an online dating app. When they strangely met they had a lot of things in common and similar tastes, including cryptocurrencies.

Once they met and confidence increased, on one occasion they had a conversation about digital assets and the scammer told her that there was “Something” in which she had invested a few years ago and with which she had earned about 70,000 US dollars and in that At that time Steve was very interested, first, because he was interested in the woman he was talking to, but he was also interested in earning some money.

The scam system

This scam system is nothing new, it has been around for a long time and has evolved over time. Several years ago when the internet had not come into our lives, it was quite common for scammers to contact people by phone and find a way to please them and establish romantic relationships and then scam…

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