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Cyber criminals scamming businesses of Sydney and the Illawarra out of millions | Illawarra Mercury

The small to medium sized business sector is an integral part of the Australian economy. They are also prime targets for cyber criminals and online scammers.

Small to medium sized businesses are frequently the targets of these types of scams. That’s why both government agencies and cyber security experts are warning business owners to take the necessary steps to protect themselves against these criminals.

Dr Sashah Eftekhari, PhD, is an ICT Project Manager who specialises in Cyber security for a leading Illawarra based MSP, IT&T. He works at the vortex of this issue everyday and says scammers frequently target small to medium sized businesses because they’re often unaware of the vulnerabilities in their networks.

The scammers are also becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods, he warned, that’s why it is essential to invest in your cyber security and seek the support of a trusted expert who can maintain and protect your network.

“There are many inlets that malicious authors try to exploit to gain access to remote systems,” Dr Eftekhari explained.

“The most common scams we are seeing of late are Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams that are increasing in sophistication.”

A BEC scam is when a criminal uses email to impersonate legitimate sources and abuse the trust people have in ordinary business practices.

They do this by impersonating business representatives – by using similar names, domains or fraudulent logos of legitimate…

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