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Angry protests to shocking scams – The biggest political stories of 2021 in northern Lincolnshire

A week is a long time in politics, and a year can seem like a lifetime.

2021 saw major election upsets in northern Lincolnshire, along with huge investments plans, fierce debates and one or two blunders.

Conservatives still rule the roost on both North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire Councils.

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Freeport plans are also set to change the way that the Humber does business.

Here are the most notable stories to come out of council chambers or the government over the last 12 months.

Freeport approval to transform Humber

Could the Humber host a new-look freeport?

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The Chancellor handed a huge windfall to northern Lincolnshire in May’s budget.

The Humber was granted Freeport status, which is expected to create 7000 jobs and make the region a global gateway.

The Humber was one of eight areas in the UK to be designated as a special trading zone, which will allow selected sites to invest and attract major manufactures by lowering tariffs.

Local leaders said it would deliver growth for the area for years to come.

The Budget will also enable the long-awaited Able Marine Energy Park to begin building thanks to millions of pounds from the government.

The £500m project has been approved since 2014, and involves a massive…

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