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Yes, that IRS letter you got in the mail is legit – WSOC TV

CHARLOTTE — Several taxpayers have contacted Action 9′s Jason Stoogenke, saying they received a letter in the mail that looks like it’s from the IRS, but they’re not sure and they don’t want to fall for a scam.

It turns out that the letter is legitimate, according to Action 9′s Jason Stoogenke.

The government gave out three stimulus checks, two of them were last year. If you didn’t get both — or didn’t get the right amount (you got too little) — you may have claimed a Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return.

If the IRS thinks you got it wrong, it may have sent you a letter. The letter says the agency “changed” the amount you claimed and lists possible reasons, like you made too much money last year or your kids were too old for you to get stimulus money for them.

The letter says if you disagree with this decision, call or write the IRS and give your taxpayer ID number (which can be your Social Security number).

“That’s all the information someone needs to steal your identity or do whatever they want to do with that information,” Jeri Lowry said.

She was one of the people who got the letter and asked Stoogenke about it.

“[I] just wanted to know, would you have any information about it, was it a scam or was it an actual letter from the IRS?” she asked Stoogenke.

If you want to call the IRS,…

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