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Urgent IRS tax warning as scammers target you into costly gift card-buying scheme – how to protect yourself

THE IRS has issued an urgent warning to be on the lookout for scammers who will try to trick you into gift card-buying schemes this holiday season.

The agency urges that taxpayers be on the lookout for scams throughout the year but has said the schemes rise in prominence ahead of the holidays and before the tax season.


The IRS has warned that gift cards are not accepted as payment for federal taxesCredit: Getty – Contributor

The thieves will target unsuspecting taxpayers by contacting them with a false claim that they owe extra taxes.

Other tricks include telling the taxpayer that their account has been linked to criminal activity or that their identity has been stolen.

The person will call while posing as the IRS or may send a text, email, or reach out over social media.

The IRS says some of the scammers attempt to make the ploy look more authentic by leaving voicemails with call-back numbers.

The scam will tell its targets that they can pay back the federal taxes by purchasing and sending gift cards from a variety of stores.

The IRS said in a statement that it will never ask for or accept gift cards as a form of payment.

It states that you will never suddenly be informed you have unpaid taxes in a phone call.

You will first be issued a letter, or a CP501 notice, explaining the taxes owed and any extra penalties or interest.

Further letters will be sent if you don’t contact the IRS about payment including CP502 (Balance Due Reminder Notice), CP503 (Second…

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