On a whirlwind tour of Ludhiana ahead of Assembly polls, Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi Thursday announced that those involved in sand mining mafia, drug mafia, sacrilege, irrigation scam, post matric scholarship scam and other misdeeds would ‘face severest action’.
He also announced construction of a trauma centre in the name of B R Ambedkar and said that the process of regularising safai sewaks and sanitation workers would be completed soon.
“Congress government is duty-bound to punish every person who has done any sin against the state and its people,” said Channi at a gathering after laying the foundation stone of Ravidass Auditorium, East-end club, Special Park Static Compactor and Commercial Exhibition Centre in Ludhiana.
“Any person, however affluent he may be, will be made accountable for these sins. The political persons involved in these crimes against humanity will not be spared at any cost,” he said.
“We have started action against big fish, those big smugglers who spread drugs in Punjab will not be spared. The vigilance has also started action against those involved in the post matric scholarship scam,” Channi said. He announced allotment of an alternative piece of land to Durga Mata Mandir Management for construction of an ultra-modern super-speciality hospital. Channi paid obeisance at Durga Mata Mandir. He said that the temple management was serving society by imparting quality health services to people on the temple…