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MAXWELL NOTEBOOK: Sex trafficking socialite’s wicked ways

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The saga of poor little rich girl Ghislaine Maxwell is far from finished.


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The 60-year-old socialite was convicted Wednesday in New York City of sex trafficking and being the straw that stirred the drink in billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s twisted sexual Ponzi scheme. She faces decades in prison when she is sentenced at a future date.


She was a broke, self-serving socialite and he was a wealthy, maladroit financier. Together, Maxwell and Epstein shattered society’s most treasured rules tossing decency out the door to feed their own ravenous needs.

Longtime New York society columnist R. Couri Hay — insisting he was not a friend of the pair — said “no one had a whiff of what was going on.”

“Ghislaine was a classic social climber, only interested in people who were rich and entitled and powerful. She’d be talking to you and constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there was someone higher up the social scale,” Hay told the Daily Mail. “I don’t think there is any secret to it — it (their relationship) was entirely transactional.”



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