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Letter to the editor: Look our for these scams | Opinion

As a member of this community and of importance as an elderly one at that, I received in the mail or also on my phone numerous calls asking for money. In talking to deputies in the local office of the Kern County Sheriff’s Office, I have been informed that law enforcement does not solicit for funds on the phone.  Those that send things in the mail asking for money, it turns out. according to the senior deputy that I talked to, that they only actually get about 10 percent of what is donated and the rest goes to the people who send out that request.

Another issue is not just mail, but phone calls saying that you won all kinds of money. Believe me, that is a scam, big time, because the bottom line is this: In order to get that money, they want you to send them money to verify that you are who you say you are. Do not buy into that one.

One last thing that comes to mind, not only me but some of my friends have also had this happen. If the IRS makes this supposed call that you owe them money, do not under any circumstances fall for that one, as the IRS never calls; they write letters.

An an active member of the Citizen Service Unit and also just at 30-year resident, I feel these things are of importance to all of us. You may pick up a brochure at the substation here in Tehachapi on practical steps of crime prevention for senior adults.

— Paula…

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