A video of a British citizen of Indian origin Manoj Ladwa has gone viral across social media where he is seen accusing that the RTPCR test done at the Mumbai international airport is a “big scam” to “loot passengers”. Ladwa alleged that due RTPCR test at the airport and then his admission to seven hills hospital caused him to miss his father-in-law’s funeral.
Manoj Ladwa, 54, lives in Staines in Britain, where he is director of a construction company, was taken to the Covid ward at Seven Hills Hospital in Andheri, despite having initially told staff at Mumbai international airport he would not go there since he had no Covid symptoms and had tested negative before he boarded the flight from London’s Heathrow airport.
According to Ladwa, the BMC staff refused to let him and other fellow passengers a second RTPCR test carried out in front of him. After a nine-hour long argument at the airport along with 14 other passengers who tested positive from the same Virgin Atlantic flight, Ladwa was taken to seven hills hospital, while his wife was allowed to leave as she tested negative at the airport.
Ladwa and his wife Sharmili had departed Heathrow on December 29 to attend her father’s funeral in Borivali. His father in law Vasant Parikh, 87, had died of lungs cancer on December 28. Ladwa booked flights the same day and they both had an RTPCR test before taking the negative flight. The flight landed in Mumbai at 1.30 am on December 30 and they had to get to Borivali by…